Thursday, October 31, 2013

It was a Happy Halloween!

October 31st, 2013

Late night.  Early morning.  Thank the Good Lord for coffee!  The lack of sleep was well worth it.  We had {another} fun filled day.  I'm hopeful we will all sleep well tonight {Christian, please}.  
We got out of bed, had a quick breakfast, and got in our Halloween attire.  We were heading to the {world's only} Curious George store for their Halloween program.  We were on the T headed to Harvard Square with all the commuters   Of course, my kids were the only children.  It can be a tough crowd, but the kids in costume did a good job of making just about everyone smile.

Getting ready for a morning of Halloween fun!

Shopping seahorse

Christian was very excited to get a scary ghost painted on his face!

Lindalee "picking out" the color for her face painting.

I was surprised she let the woman paint her face.  I guess it was a good idea to have big brother go first.

Getting ready for some spooky story-time

Waiting to see who was outside.....

Curious George!  
Christian refused to wear his costume for the Halloween event.  I swear I don't usually dress him in girl leggings.  

I had to hold Lindalee because she was absolutely terrified of George.

After a morning of fun at the Curious George store, we picked up a snack and headed to "Hava-daad" {Christian throws a fit if you say Harvard Yard, it's Hava-daad} .  I have such fond memories of Christian and me playing for hours in the beautiful gardens on the UVA lawn.  The Harvard Yard is nice, but no UVA {snob!}.  The kids had a blast.  All the Asian tourists were snapping pictures of them {Asian tourists love my kids for some reason.  We've had numerous awkward encounters of them trying to snap photos of the kids.}.  

An actual hug.  I was surprised there was no tackle involved.

Brother-sister cuddles

There was a Trick-or-Treating event at our building.  We took the kids to a couple apartments to meet our neighbors {all very interesting families}.  Christian indulged in some sweet treats, and went a little crazy.  We walked into the courtyard to meet another little Trick-or-Treater and Christian ran full speed into a small tree.  He has a nice bump on his head.  Sugar and CJ do not mix. The kids enjoyed gathering a bucket of sugar, but enjoyed handing out candy at our apartment even more.  

Poor Zoe made a very cute Octopus.  

One of the many reason we are enjoying city life is the diversity here.  Sorting through the kids candy, this was our favorite: Ume & Soda Pure Gummy: "Popping ume-soda flavor full of taste and smell that is great for joyful moment".  At $3.99+ tax for a couple gummies, it should provide a joyful moment.  It did.  

Today, we missed some of our Charlotte and Charlottesville buddies {we have some fun Halloween memories in both places}.  Though I wish they were here with us, today I'm especially thankful for this fun time with my kids.  They are pretty awesome.

Long day {and night} of making memories

October 30th, 2013

We were all very excited for Meme's first visit.  It was a big day for her.  First solo trip to Boston, ever.  She got a little overwhelmed, but made it safe and sound.  She claims she drove into the city and parked so that she could explore and go shopping.  Let's just say, the kids and I had to take the T so that we could drive her and her car out of downtown and to our place.  It was an adventure.  Right, mom?

I was able to get some much needed organizing done while Meme kept the kids occupied. 

Christian was very confused when Meme had to leave.  He didn't know why she only stayed for a couple hours.  He asked if she was getting on an airplane to fly home.  She explained that we live close now and he can visit her whenever he wants.  He smiled with delight.

After we saw Meme off, we headed to the Cambridge Galleria for a little Trick-or-Treat prep.  All I can say is Lindalee stole the show.  I had my hands full and didn't do the best job of capturing it, but she walked around to all the shops with a big grin on her face, very proudly collecting candy and putting it in her bag.  When she saw a baby she would give them some of her candy.  She was too much.  I had a number of random people ask to take a picture of her {kind of weird}.   

Christian took his job of big brother/protector of the seahorse, very seriously.

Trick-or-treating is hard work.  Christian had to take a rest in the hallway of our building.

We got the kiddos to bed and hit the town.  We figured our doorman would make sure the kids don't get out if they woke up. 

Even the statues were in game day gear, beards and all.

It was crazy out.  Everyone was getting ready for the big game.  I smelled victory in the air on our walk to Chris' friend {fellow Darden alum}.  We had a nice time catching up and meeting some new people while watching the game.  After the win, we decided to walk home.  It was so fun to see all the celebrations going on.  It was a beautiful night to walk home. 

This was the view of the city from the bridge

The view of Cambridge from the bridge

We got home around midnight.  I think Christian felt the excitement in the air {he's already a big Red Sox fan}.  He was up, waiting for us.  We all had a midnight snack and went to bed. 

It was a very eventful day filled with a lot of things to be thankful for.  Christian said he was most thankful for eating chocolate candy {sorry, Meme}.  I know Chris was thankful for being a part of a great night in sports {also, the socialization and beer that comes along with it}.  I was thankful for a wonderful day and the special memories that were made with some of my most favorite people.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A week of "city living"

October 29th, 2013

Our lifestyle is very different here.  I love it.  But, city living does have it's challenges, especially with two small kiddos {and a gigantic car & stroller}.  So far, I think we are all doing a good job at turning the challenges into adventures.  
Grocery shopping is quite an exciting {and exhausting} undertaking.  Let's just say, I'm very thankful we have an elevator, and two cute little 'helpers'.  

My car - it is so huge, it's ridiculous.  Definitely not a car meant for driving around and parking in a big {old} city, but we are surviving.  Lindalee laughs at me every time I try to pull in or out of a crammed parking space {seriously}.  Instead of getting angry at the parking spot or my beast of a car, I have to laugh with her.  
  We have a doorman in our building.  I really like it.  They are ridiculously friendly and helpful. I find myself taking the kids down to check the mail just so I can have a conversation with an adult.  Today, our doorman buddy, Kyle, showed the kids a bucket of Halloween candy and asked if they were allowed to have some.  Christian said, "No".  I was impressed.  I've got that boy 100% brain washed.  {Don't worry, Meme, I let him have a piece, and I would have let him have the whole bucket if you were here to chase him}.

Apartment living has it's perks.  We have a great gym set up.  I had my first "real" workout in 1.5 years.  There's an enclosed playroom attached to the gym.  There's tons of toys, which is especially nice since we have none right now.  There's also a nice little pool, bar, movie theatre, game room, all kinds of fun stuff.  All of these things should come in handy on freezing cold winter days when I don't want to go outside.

The dog.  I don't think it would be such an issue if we didn't have two small kids, but Zoe is a bit of a handful here.  For starters, Lindalee is OBSESSED with her.  She likes to poke her eyes and 'honk' her nose.  Sadly, I really don't trust Zoe with her, especially at face level.  In Charlotte, Zoe spent most of the day outside sunbathing or in her cozy little "room".  I try to stay outside of our apartment as much as possible {easy to do living in Boston} because when I'm here I feel like all I do is chase Lindalee around buffering her harassment of Zoe.  Zoe probably loves the attention {maybe not the eye pokes}, but I hope Lindalee's obsession would subside someday soon.   Before we moved to Boston, and had Zoe in our living area 100% of the time, Lindalee called her "dog", now she refers to her as "dada".  Same thing she calls Chris.  Hmmmm.....

Thankful for the experience of "city life" {and knowing that it's not permanent}.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Legos and Lessons

October 28th, 2013

Thank you, God, for Legos.  My head still hurts from yesterday's drama.  Christian has been a real handful lately and had all I could handle.  I couldn't take it for one more day {especially with this headache}.  Thankfully, Chris went out and got Christian some new Legos {ours are in one of the boxes stacked in my parent's basement}.  We have a new child.

This morning, instead of throwing a tantrum, he got up out of bed, ran to his Legos, and played with them for hours.  I had to force food and drink down his throat and pull him away from them {no meltdown} to head out to get things done.  He's my happy boy again.  They seem to be the only toy we have found to challenge and engage him physically, creatively, and mentally.  After days of tantrums and timeouts, I think he just missed his Legos.
On with our fun, happy, tantrum free day...
There is so much to do when you walk outside, it actually makes it hard to get things done!  I had a number of things to do this morning, but we kept getting sidetracked along our way.  We started our day by heading to the Museum of Science to get our membership.  Along the way, I spotted a giant shopping area.  We had to stroll through and check it out!  We ended up spending the entire morning there and never getting to the Museum, a block away.  The kids had a blast riding the elevators and playing in the toy store while mommy enjoyed browsing through some shops and stocking up on cold weather clothes.  I stopped into a couple of phone repair stores to try to get my phone fixed, check that off the list.  Might not have been very productive, but it was a fun {tantrum free!} morning. 

I couldn't help but get this hat for Christian.  My Boston boy!  

Looking up to find the Halloween decorations on our apartment window.

I totally gave up on Lindalee's potty skills with the move.  Despise my lack of effort, she has made it known that she needs to use the potty.  It's nice she can finally tell us when she needs to go.  She especially likes the set up of having her potty with all her books.  What a big girl!

She picked out her outfit of fancy shoes, cute undies, and no pants {seems to be a common theme in the Baker household}.  She loves looking at her reflection in the oven, twirling around and smiling at herself.  This girl has style!

During Lindalee's nap-time, Christian and I began our "home{pre}schooling".  I was nervous to start.  First of all, I didn't think he'd listen to me during lessons, secondly, I thought he might get frustrated, and, most of all, I was fearful that he just wouldn't find it fun.  Day one was a huge success.  We didn't do 1 lesson {as planned}, we flew through almost 5 lessons.  He was especially fascinated with the solar system- the hot gases that make up the sun and the giant volcanoes on mars.  I got so much pleasure watching his excitement while learning.  It was a special time for the two of us.  I feel like we really needed this quality bonding experience, especially after such a rough day yesterday.   

Thankful for Legos and the happiness they bring to my little man {and me}!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkin Festival and Pho

Yet another fun day of exploring!  We started the day in Belmont {random} satisfying my consignment sale addiction.  We made a morning of it playing at a local park and finding a little restaurant for lunch {all strategically planned to be in close to proximity to the store- I had to be there the moment they opened, they just got a bunch of new stuff!}.  I won't bore you with the details.  But I got some crazy deals on some fancy kid things.  It always makes my heart race.  
Chirs and kids enjoying some playtime at the park

We came home for some nap time drama.  Christian doesn't usually nap, but does occasionally really, really needs one.  He's needed one for a week.  I was determined to get him to go to sleep. Instead, it was just an hour and a half of drama.  All I got out of it was a really bad headache.  Not worth it.  Ugh.
Despite the drama filled afternoon, we got ourselves together {some better than others} and headed out to the Pumpkin Festival at Boston Commons.

Me and my sweet little sea horse.  I'm sad that Christian had to miss out on this picture.  He was in timeout causing a ruckus.  Our poor neighbors.

Watching the Jack-O-Lanterns float down the Frog Pond.

Thanks, Danielle, for the {rare} family picture!

It was a beautiful walk to the commons.  The kids had a blast, especially at the playground.  We met up with {more family!} Danielle.  She helped chase the kiddos around, it's always nice having an extra hand!

I love Pho.  We found a decent Pho place in Charlotte, but it was a hike to get to.  After the festival, we walked into Chinatown and had dinner at Xinh Xinh.  It was authentic and delicious.  I was in heaven.  The kids enjoyed it as well.

Warm, full, and happy!

Christian "mastered" chopsticks.  He was very proud.

We had a nice walk home and a drama free bedtime.  Tonight I am thankful for no bedtime drama, and beer. 

Exploring the city

October 26th, 2013

Today is our first full day in Boston as a complete family.  The past week {or month} has been more chaotic than we are used to.  It's nice to have a day to relax and explore our new city.  Our apartment is still a complete mess, but it probably will be the entire time we are here.  I'm not going to worry about it today.

I'm usually a TV Nazi.  No so much this week.  The kids are in heaven. 

After a couple shows, we put on our cool weather apparel and hit the streets of Boston.  We walked to Harvard Yard, or as Christian calls it "Hava-daad", to play and eat lunch.

Ohh, it's cold!

Christian is never cold, according to him.  He thinks all coats, hats, sweaters, socks, shoes, and pants are totally unnecessary.

"Playing rough" with daddy.  Everyone's favorite game.

We visited the worlds only Curious George store.  Basically, a very small toy store with lots of Curious George stuff.  The kids loved it.

We ended up at an Indian buffet for lunch.  It was a brisk 60 degrees inside the restaurant (no lie, I saw it on the thermostat).  It was really good.  The kids enjoyed it as well (some things more than others).  I got Christian an "Indian Pancake".  He then proceeded to exclaim really loudly that he doesn't like Indians.  We tried to downplay the situation by saying "Oh, you don't like the Indian pancake?"  "No Mommy, I don't like Indians!"  I think I made it worse...

I'm kind of obsessed with their matching Keens.  I should be for how much they cost.

Lindalee's 1st ride on the T- Christian was showing her the ropes.  He was pretty pumped to be "in the sewers where the Ninja Turtles live".  

Christian remembers our T stop well.  Kendall (Square) is not only where we live, but also the name of his best {tie between her and her twin sister, so I'll just say 'best'} little girlfriend back in Charlotte.  He posed for a picture to send to her.  He can't wait for Kendall and her family to visit.....

Thankful for a day full of fun family time, with a side of TV.

Settling in

October 25th, 2013

The past couple days have been very busy {what's new} but very fun!  For starters, my parents took Christian and Lindalee for the night to give us our FIRST night without children in 3.5 years {almost to the day}.  We really should have taken advantage of the time to get our lives organized in our new place, but instead we headed to Fenway.  It was game two of the world series, we had to be part of the action!

Standing room tickets started at $461/person.  Instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money going to the game, we decided to hang out at the bar next door, Cask N' Flagon, get a table, eat and drink as much as we could, and watch the game on the countless TV's surrounding us.  We had a great time.  It was weird not having to rush to get home for the babysitter, even better, not worrying about what time the kids would wake us up the next morning.  My favorite part of the night was walking home, full of food, a little drunk, holding hands with my husband {and best friend, awww}.  Love this city and love my man!

While mommy and daddy were having fun....
Meme took the kids to Emery Farm for the day.  Lindalee played in a toy car the entire time while Christian made some friends and fed the animals. 

Meme told Lindalee it was time for bed and she went running for Papa.  He hated it.

Everyone (especially mommy and daddy) had a great time. Though, Meme was pretty exhausted when I went to pick up the kiddos.  They do a good job of sucking the energy from their caregivers.  I picked up the kids and brought them back to Boston.  Finally, we were all together, as a family, at our new place.  Christian enjoyed showing Lindalee around and all the things she could do to get into trouble.  

We were all excited for the evening's event.  Our first visitors!  Family!  What?!  We haven't lived close enough to family {basically, in the history of us having kids} for them to just come over and go out to dinner.  Christian was so excited to play with his cousins, Lucy and Riley.  I think Chris and I were equally excited to spend time with their parents.  We had a great night.  We look forward to a lot of dinners with the Biddlecom family.  Not only did we all have a great time catching up and getting advice on places to go and things to do in the city, but Lucy and Riley entertained our {poor restaurant dining} kids the whole time.  Christian and Lindalee were in heaven.  Lindalee kept hugging the girls.  Probably a breath of fresh air being around someone besides her brother and not being tackled every five minutes.  

Thankful for family!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Deep breath.... I'm FREAKING OUT

Am I dreaming? Pinch me, please?
I'm exhausted.  Physically, yes.  Emotionally, hell yes.  I fear this post will be full of tangents, so read at your own risk.....
The moving trucks arrived yesterday.  Cars and boxes arrived, safe and sound.  Chris and I dug through the mess of boxes to find the 'necessities' to bring down to our new place for the night.  I left Lindalee with my parents for her first sleepover.  It wasn't hard leaving {I think I was so excited to FINALLY be on our way} but once we got there, the pain of missing her sharing this exciting time hurt.  I couldn't' stop thinking about her and how badly I wanted her with us.  BUT. but.  It was so special to be able to spend this time with Christian.  It's easy to forget about what the kids are going through when moving.  Though, it seems like everything is exciting to them, they are resilient, right?  He is hurting.  He misses his friends, school, home, toys, and everything else familiar.  He's very excited, but very confused.  This 'special' trip with mommy and daddy was a necessity.  As much as I missed Lindalee, I was very happy we had this time with him.
On with the {many} happy things...
Our ride there was pretty symbolic {at least the romantic in me thinks so}.  Chris, Christian and I took the 'long way' through the suburbs.  The suburbs of Boston are beautiful.  {I already picked out our next house, sorry, Chris}.  As we approached the city, the sun was beginning to set.  The sky was as orange as a pumpkin with a sunbeam shining down illuminating the fall foliage {God smiling down on us?  That's what I'd like to think}.  It was breathtaking.  I peered out the car window by Christian and spotted a rainbow.  Not any rainbow, a FULL rainbow stretching across the entire orange, autumn sky.  Christian appreciated it's beauty {he's a romantic like his mommy}.  Minutes after spotting it in the sky {it followed us the entire way to our new 'home'}, we got a call from our realtor.  We had an official offer for our home in Charlotte {I will have to tell this story in another post.  Let's just say, that night in our prayers, we thanked St. Joseph- and Chris is a believer}.  This all seemed too good to be true.
We arrived at our apartment complex.  Because I've been so busy thinking of all the other moving parts of this move, I don't think I've thought too much about the actual place we would be living {just a minor detail, right?}.  This place is freaking amazing.  What?!  Pinch me please.
We explored our new pad then headed out to get some dinner.  We walked across the street and ended up at Za.  Great food, great drinks.  I'm sure we will be there again soon.  The best part is that we could stumble home if needed.  This could be dangerous.

We played on the boardwalk and enjoyed the views of the Charles River and the city. Some moments I won't forget anytime soon. Christian was in heaven, running like the wind {I can't keep up with him anymore}.  Definitely gets that from his Uncle Ed.

Chris was happy to find a store with some quality brews across the street from us.  Again.  This could be dangerous.

Christian was up at the crack of dawn.  Though, not the best picture of the view, this was him in awe of all the 'fires'.  He thought that all the buildings were on fire because of the vapor coming from them.  I had a hard time explaining the phenomenon, we will leave that one for daddy.

My parents texted me this picture at 6:45.  Lindalee was up and as happy as could be.  That smile....  

Daddy needed to catch up on sleep, so Christian and I ventured out to find some breakfast.  We ended up on the ground floor of our complex at Voltage Coffee and Art.  It was a pretty cool place.  The coffee was wonderful, the atmosphere was eclectic, and the service was superb.  

They thought Christian was 'cute' and gave him a hot chocolate {mean mommy would never order him one}.  He loved it.  

Lovely little morning with my boy.

We went "home" and I couldn't figure out how to open the door to our apartment {blonde?} and woke up Chris with my ruckus.  Oops.  We all got ready and headed back to Meme and Papa's to tackle more boxes and see our baby girl.  

The basement is packed with the things we won't be 'needing' for the next 8 months.  This is {part} of the mess we are sifting through to bring down to Boston.

Christian's new best friend, Sluggy Wuggy. 

Time to watch the Red Sox {not bad timing to move to Boston} and go to bed.  Chris and I head down {sans children, WHAT?!} tomorrow to get 'organized' and enjoy a night out in our new city. It's been 3.5 years.  Three and one half years.  It's kind of a big deal.  I'm looking forward to it, but I know I'll be missing them the whole time.

Thankful for our new 'home'.