October 31st, 2013
Late night. Early morning. Thank the Good Lord for coffee! The lack of sleep was well worth it. We had {another} fun filled day. I'm hopeful we will all sleep well tonight {Christian, please}.
We got out of bed, had a quick breakfast, and got in our Halloween attire. We were heading to the {world's only} Curious George store for their Halloween program. We were on the T headed to Harvard Square with all the commuters Of course, my kids were the only children. It can be a tough crowd, but the kids in costume did a good job of making just about everyone smile.
Getting ready for a morning of Halloween fun!
Shopping seahorse
Christian was very excited to get a scary ghost painted on his face!
Lindalee "picking out" the color for her face painting.
I was surprised she let the woman paint her face. I guess it was a good idea to have big brother go first.
Getting ready for some spooky story-time
Waiting to see who was outside.....
Curious George!
Christian refused to wear his costume for the Halloween event. I swear I don't usually dress him in girl leggings.
I had to hold Lindalee because she was absolutely terrified of George.
After a morning of fun at the Curious George store, we picked up a snack and headed to "Hava-daad" {Christian throws a fit if you say Harvard Yard, it's Hava-daad} . I have such fond memories of Christian and me playing for hours in the beautiful gardens on the UVA lawn. The Harvard Yard is nice, but no UVA {snob!}. The kids had a blast. All the Asian tourists were snapping pictures of them {Asian tourists love my kids for some reason. We've had numerous awkward encounters of them trying to snap photos of the kids.}.
An actual hug. I was surprised there was no tackle involved.
Brother-sister cuddles
There was a Trick-or-Treating event at our building. We took the kids to a couple apartments to meet our neighbors {all very interesting families}. Christian indulged in some sweet treats, and went a little crazy. We walked into the courtyard to meet another little Trick-or-Treater and Christian ran full speed into a small tree. He has a nice bump on his head. Sugar and CJ do not mix. The kids enjoyed gathering a bucket of sugar, but enjoyed handing out candy at our apartment even more.
Poor Zoe made a very cute Octopus.
One of the many reason we are enjoying city life is the diversity here. Sorting through the kids candy, this was our favorite: Ume & Soda Pure Gummy: "Popping ume-soda flavor full of taste and smell that is great for joyful moment". At $3.99+ tax for a couple gummies, it should provide a joyful moment. It did.
Today, we missed some of our Charlotte and Charlottesville buddies {we have some fun Halloween memories in both places}. Though I wish they were here with us, today I'm especially thankful for this fun time with my kids. They are pretty awesome.