Friday, October 18, 2013


Right now the kids and I are in NH staying at my parent's house while Chris finishes work and packing up the house.  (I leave him with the fun part).  It was really (really, really) hard leaving Charlotte.  WAY harder than I ever thought it would be.  Moving there was rough, especially in the beginning.  Thankfully, God put some angels in place to make our time in Charlotte not only bearable, but a complete pleasure, and really (really, really) hard to leave.

I'm slightly embarrassed to share this picture, especially as my first picture on the blog (not the best Baker Family photo).  Chris had the kids and luggage in the car and was waiting for my emotional self to say "good-bye" to our house.  I ran to the car and made him get the kids unbuckled (he was in a rush to get to work, I'm lucky he has patience) so we could all take one last family picture in front of the house.  This stupid house.  I'll never forget when we came to look at it (after I insisted on it being the only house we look at because it was a 'good deal').  We pulled in and Chris said, "Are you sure you want to go inside?".  It was SO ugly. But cheap and in a great location with a lot of potential.  Not only was it the house we ended up buying and bringing our baby girl home from the hospital to, but an ugly "old man" house we turned into (what I think) a beautiful home.  We have a lot of wonderful memories there, I will miss that place.  

I feel like I'm in some sort of weird dream.  This whole thing just feels like a typical Meme-Papa visit: kids and I flying up solo, waiting for Chris to come for the weekend, then all heading back to Charlotte.  It's not.  We won't be flying home, we will be driving.  An hour and a half from where I am right now.  Where I (and most of my family) grew up.  Chris keeps asking if I'm excited.  I feel like I disappoint him with my answer.  I'm not excited, yet, it doesn't seem real.  

Moving north is a dream come true.  I've been in the south for almost 12 (wonderful) years and always dreamed of going "home", especially once the kiddos came along.  The "Perfect Storm" that allowed for this move came years sooner than I had imagined.  As I sit here waiting for Chris to arrive, for our cars to be delivered, and all of our other stuff, it's slowing sinking in.  I anticipate a true 'freak out' moment sometime next week when I realize what is actually happening.   Watch out!

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