Saturday, March 15, 2014

One more music class

March 13th, 2014

Oh, New England weather.  We have been teased with spring weather and wake up to a day full of frigid temperatures and snow.  Christian looked out the window and said, "Mommy, why is it snowing?  I thought it was springtime!?". 
Despite the nasty weather, Lindalee and I enjoyed a lovely morning out with some of our favorite girls.  We headed to Charlestown for some music fun {we had a class we were able to make up from missing a session}.  As much as I missed Christian {he went to school today}, it was nice to give Lindalee all of my attention.  I think she enjoyed it as well.

Lindalee LOVES little Ms. Mona!

This evening, Christian drew this portrait of Daddy.  He spent most of the time drawing his hair {appropriate since Chris has changed his hairstyle for the first time in 10+ years}.  For a little boy who refuses to pick up a writing instrument {he prefers to type on the computer}, I was impress by the "I <3 U".  He was proud.

Thankful for a morning with the ladies and the fact that it has to warm up soon.  Right?

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