Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sick of sickness!

January 5th, 2014

It's starting to feel like Lindalee has been sick forever.  We had another trip to the doctor since her fever still isn't going down.  She has a raging ear infection in the OTHER ear.  Poor baby.  The doctor put her on a stronger antibiotic since the first hasn't worked.  Really?  This girl has never been on antibiotics and we are having to put her on stronger medication because the most commonly used antibiotic isn't working?  Don't even get me started on the drug resistant mess some doctors are getting our country into....

 We're slowly running out of things to do in our apartment.  Christian's been such a trooper, staying very occupied in all his different 'forts'.

Our couch cushions are more commonly used for fort or castle wall than sitting on.  It keeps Christian entertained for hours, so I can't complain!

Christian asked to take a picture of Lindalee and me.  He said, "Mommy, get closer to Lindalee!  Lindalee, look up at brother.  Lindalee, say cheeses?  Can you show me your teeth?".  He's become quite the little photographer.  He now has his own camera {a real one!} so that he can explore his passion.

Desperation...  Lindalee won't eat ANYTHING.  Not even ice cream.  That's when you know she's really sick.  Today, we had a pretend birthday party {candle and all} with the hopes she would take a bite or two in the moment.  Thankfully, it worked!  She had a whopping five bites of ice cream!  

Sweet Lindalee hanging out on the floor for the afternoon.  I want my spunky little girl back!

I'd rather her be well, but I am thankful for all these sweet, sick baby cuddles.  Get better Lindalee!

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