Another snow day! Lindalee and Mommy enjoyed some slushy errands while Christian spent the day at school. He had a great day and really seems to enjoy the times he gets to go to school and play with his friends. I'm trying to send him a day or two a week now that the holidays are over. I think he benefits from the consistency. The only part he doesn't like about school is nap time. In the past, I would pick him up at half day because he begged me not to have to take a nap there. What can I say, I'm a sucker for snuggles. It took awhile, but I finally decided to keep him at school and pick him up after nap. It gives Lindalee and me more time together and I think Christian could benefit from a more rigid nap time approach {he knows how to take advantage of mommy}.
Here's the nap time story from today. {To preface it, I always tell Christian that if he doesn't feel well or really needs me to tell the teacher to call me and I will pick him right up.} At pickup, I was greeted with a big hug and smile. He immediately began bragging to me that he took a nap {I never thought it would actually happen}. When I asked his teacher about it, she confirmed he did take a short nap. She then told me that before he fell asleep he was having a difficult time resting. He told her that she needed to call his mommy and that he needed to go home. After talking it through, he layed back down. After a couple minutes of more {dreaded} rest time, he got back up. He told her he was "so very sick" and she needed to call his mommy "right away" because he needed to go home. Long story short. He eventually went to sleep for 30 minutes {better that what I get at home} and he woke up magically cured from his "sicknees". When we got home, we had a nice little chat about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
No better way to get home from preschool than on a sled!
King and Queen of the mountain!
Smiles in the tub.
Thankful for a morning with my little girl and an afternoon in the snow with she and her brother!
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