Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Heading North

July 1st, 2014

Christian and Lindalee were very excited to go up to New Hampshire for the weekend of the fourth.  Christian has been talking about the fireworks non-stop.  We are hoping that the weather cooperates and we can enjoy them on the lake.  Fingers crossed!

"Packed" and "ready to go" at six in the morning.  Where do they get their energy?

Before we headed out, we enjoyed some chocolate chip pancakes.  Lindalee's most favorite!

Peaking outside, we found our flock of wild turkeys visiting with the chicks.  They actually went around and to the back of the coops to say "hello".  Pretty cute.

And another wildlife sighting on our way to NH- right down the road from our house is a golf course.  Instead of golf carts crossing, a flock of Canadian Geese and their babies stopped traffic to get across the street.

Thankful for the exciting long weekend ahead!

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