June 15th, 2014
Despite Christian being a bit under the weather {hand, foot, and mouth disease}, we headed north to get away for the night and visit with some of our favorite people. This was the first time I've been back to my parent's house since we moved. Their house looked beautiful, so clean and organized. A stark contrast from when I last saw it: boxes in every room, our clothes spread throughout the bedrooms, toys everywhere you walk. It made me realize, even more, what Meme and Papa put up with when they took us in. I'm glad they survived our invasion.
Meme and Papa took our rooster a week ago. They were going to bring it to their friend's farm. Chica, now referred to as Rodney or Roaster, ended up at Meme and Papa's instead. He follows them around and tries to be their house pet by sneaking in the door behind them. He is occasionally found hanging out with the wild turkeys in their yard.
Christian out enjoying a campfire and stargazing.
Guess who!
Christian was thrilled to see himself on the television show "Bet On Your Baby". He thought he was quite a big deal. Three seconds of stardom!
Father's Day was on Sunday and we spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather celebrating my special guys.
Christian and Lindalee were so excited to see Uncle James and Auntie Pha. Lindalee shrieked with excitement when they drove in, "Ah Pa!", and gave Uncle James a never ending hug.
Christian gave Daddy lots of extra loving on Father's Day.
"The dudes". According to Christian, "The dudes always have a blast". So thankful for these dudes, and the role they play in my life. Christian thinks all the dudes should get presents on Father's Day, "I'm going to be a daddy one day, too! So I get a present!".
Meme and Papa got their boat in the water with some help from Great Grampie's tractor.
Kid swap!
Lindalee stole Auntie Pha's spot.
The Baker bunch.
Lindalee loves Daddy!
Baker bunch take II.
"A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men"
Thankful for my wonderful father and my amazing man {aka baby-daddy}. I am truly blessed and my children are, too.
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