Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Growing Flock

June 16th, 2014

Christian has lots {and lots} of bug "friends".  This is his newest buddy, "Mothey", driving the spiderman car around the room.

To help eat up more ticks, we added eight new ladies to our flock.  We got quite a variety of hens and some will even lay colored eggs.  Christian was sweet and said we should all name them "Pinkie" because Lindalee loves that name.  She said "No- Purple and Yellow!".  The naming process could take a little while.

Lindalee is feeling very comfortable catching and handling chicks these days.  I'm praying she doesn't pull an Uncle James and accidentally kill one.  We've had a couple close calls.

Proud Daddy!

Lindalee got down and dirty with me to clean out the coops.  She really was a big helper and took the job quite seriously!

Two little bum bums.  She has to do EVERYTHING big brother does.

Bedtime stories on the porch.  What a beautiful day it was!

Thankful for cool air, warm sun, two sweet kiddos and our {growing} flock.  Oh, and thankful that my husband puts up with my love of livestock.  Christian really wants a pig....

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