Saturday, June 21, 2014

Special Visitors and a Very Happy Anniversary!

June 11th, 2014

Christian and Lindalee were beyond excited for Grandma and Grandad to get back from Europe and pay them a visit.  I will blame their excitement on their {pretty terrible} behavior during the couple of days Scott and Inge were with us.  We haven't seen them in a couple of months and I was so excited/proud to have them see how wonderful they are and how much they have changed {for the better} in just a couple months.  Nope.  I feel like Lindalee was whining or crying for most of the visit while Christian egged her on.  Oh well.  Grandma and Grandad didn't seem to mind {or they hid it well}.

One of the first things Christian and Lindalee HAD to do was to show Grandad their favorite place in the house: their under-stair fort.  Both Grandma and Grandad were good sports and spent lots of time in it.  In this picture, Christian insisted the lights be off while Grandad read him stories.  

On Chris' and my anniversary, we headed into the city to visit him for lunch.  It was a beautiful day to walk around and made me slightly homesick for our old apartment.  

Lindalee, Tinkerbell, and Grandad walking through Quincy Market.

Christian got some cuddles from Grandma.

Lindalee got tired of pushing the stroller, so Grandad helped out.

So excited to see Daddy!

We had to stop and see the seals.  

Having babysitters in town allowed Chris and I to celebrate our anniversary with a nice dinner for two.  We had a wonderful, quiet evening and enjoyed some delicious food at a local Italian restaurant.  

It's crazy to think we have been married for seven years, going on eleven years of dating.  When we met, we were both babies {we didn't think so then}.  It makes me happy to think of how much we have grown and changed since then, and that with all the change, we have only grown closer.  Since close to the day we met {yes, it was love at first sight}, I couldn't imagine my life without him.  Those words now take on an even deeper meaning to me.  I couldn't live without this guy.  He is my everything.  We make a great team and I am so thankful for everyday I have him as a partner.  It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, especially now with two crazy children.  His attention from me often gets shafted, but he always seems to understand.  We both share the same passion, our children, and know that our time together will come again, all too soon.

This is what we came home to cuddled up in our bed.  Happy Anniversary!

On the morning before Scott and Inge left, Christian woke up and the first thing that he said was, "Oh, Mommy, this is such a sad, sad day."  I didn't know what he was talking about, so I ask, "Why?".  He replied, "This is the day that Grandma and Grandad leave."  Melt my heart.  

Thankful for special visitors and their amazing son I call my husband!  

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you!"
A.A. Milne

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