Sunday, December 15, 2013

Celtics Game

December 13th, 2013

Exciting night!  Christian went on a "dude date" {what Christian calls time with him and Daddy} to his first Boston Celtics game.   When Chris told him where they would be going, Christian was bouncing all over the place {literally} with excitement.  In Virginia, Chris started bringing Christian to UVA games, on a very regular basis, when he was only six months old.  When we moved to Charlotte, they frequented the Bobcats arena.  We were a little nervous, moving to Boston, that ticket prices might be a bit much to keep up with Christian's love of the sport.  Thankfully, Daddy was able to find some affordable tickets.

I had Christian all dressed {in green} and ready for the game.  Right before he left he said his favorite basketball team was the Charlotte Bobcats and he wanted to wear his jersey.

Poor Lindalee was NOT happy that the boys left.  The fifteen minutes between them leaving and her bedtime was torture. She cried, "Bra-bra!? Dada!?" until she passed out next to me in Christian's bed.  I think they need to do a better job of sneaking out next time.

At every game, Christian looks forward to a hot dog and popcorn. 

At North Station ready to head home.

Despite my desperate attempts, Christian didn't nap today.  He kept insisting he would take a nap at the basketball game.  He had a great time there, but was ready to leave before it was over {thankfully, it would have been a really late night if not}.  When he got home, he told me it was "such a great game" and he had "so much fun".  

Thankful for "dude dates"!

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