Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Music and Yoga

January 14th, 2014

We started the day with our first {Boston} session of Music Together.  We were big fans of the Music Together program in Charlotte and I was excited to find out that it was offered in Boston as well!  We hopped on the T with our buddies, Mona and Ms. Laura, and headed to Harvard Square.  It's so interesting the ways our lives have changed in just a couple months.  Most places we go are on foot or public transit, unlike in Charlotte where we drove everywhere.  I much prefer my mode of transportation living here {minus the fussing that takes place in the stroller, but that happened in the car too}.

We all enjoyed our music class.  Christian and Lindalee were very happy to be there.  Lindalee hung around me most of the time, playing instruments and singing songs.  Christian hung out in the middle of the circle the whole time, dancing.  He got really into it and was putting on quite a performance.  The teacher commented on his "sweet" dance moves and he came running over to me, "Mommy, do you see my moves?  I'm famous!".

After Lindalee's nap, I took out the yoga mat and put on a children's yoga DVD I got from the library.  Rainy day yoga session!  Lindalee and Mona enjoyed it for the first five minutes or so, Christian loved it.  He watched the entire video and followed all of the instructions for the different poses.  It was great to watch him!

I am thankful I can share things I enjoy, like music and yoga, with Christian and Lindalee.  Even more, I am thankful that they enjoy them as well!

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