Sunday, January 19, 2014

While Daddy's away, we will play!

January 19th, 2014

On Friday, Chris headed to Vegas for a long weekend.  I'm actually really happy he was able to go; funny how everyone seems to sigh and feel pity for me when I tell them where my husband is.  He deserves some time away to relax and it gives me a good excuse to escape into the woods of New Hampshire with the kiddos.  As much as I love
{love, love, love} city life in Boston, I couldn't do it without an occasional retreat to the country.  {Never mind the help I receive when I'm there.}
Sweet Meme {and sweet Papa for picking up her slack at work} met me to get the kids on Thursday so Chris and I could spend some time together before he headed west.  We enjoyed an early dinner out, focusing more on getting our lives situated for the following week.  Nevertheless, it was nice to have some {quiet} time together.  
I took Chris to the airport the next morning, did loads of cleaning and organizing {it's amazing how productive I am when I'm not chasing two little ones around}, then walked into the city for some yoga.  I called my mom when I was driving up to NH and she said, "Are you okay, you sound so tired?".  No.  I was completely refreshed and relaxed.  Doesn't happen very often.  It felt GOOD!

When I arrived at Meme and Papa's, this is what I found:

Princess Lindalee

Happy to see mommy, and vise versa!

Superhero Christian.

We couldn't have picked a better weekend to be in NH.  Saturday was absolutely beautiful, 30 degrees and snowy.  We spent a lot of time outside and had such a wonderful time.  Everyone.  The children, myself, Meme & Papa, even Zoe had a blast playing in the snow.

Hanging out in the field on our way back from the lake.  The snow was just starting to fall.

The snow turned "Old Lady" Zoe back into a puppy.

Christian "relaxing" and Lindalee trying to get her favorite snack {snowballs} in her mouth.  It was a bit of a challenge with her neck warmer, but she figured it out.

Christian and Zoe were very excited to see Papa come out with the snow-blower.  

The children {of course} enjoyed some sledding, Lindalee even more so than Christian.

A little spill didn't stop this girl.

Christian had a great time playing in the lilac bushes.  I have very fond memories of doing the same.  It made my heart happy.

Bedtime was even more entertaining than normal.   Meme and Christian were reading a story; Lindalee climbed on top of them and forced herself in the middle, saying, "Me, me, me!".  She opened another book on Meme's face, grabbed the book Meme was reading to Christian, hightailed it into Christian's bed with the book, and then proceeded to tuck herself in.  This girl is getting a little attitude, and I love it!

We woke up to even more snow on Sunday, and the kids had some more fun playing in it.  They were also very excited about a visit from Uncle James and Auntie Pha.
Christian tackling Meme in the snow.

Christian was extremely excited for Uncle James to build him one of his {notorious} couch forts.  It entertained him for quite some time.

Silly girls!

Sorry, Christian, but I had to!  He demands having a table in the bathroom while he does his business so that he can continue to play with his toys.  This boy has the life!

My mother.  She is the definition of supermom/wife/Meme.  Even with all the things she had going on this weekend {my crazy children invading her house} she managed to send me home with all of this.  Homemade everything:  English muffins, hamburger buns {who makes their own hamburger buns?!} granola, baked beans, broccoli-slaw, fresh from the farm pulled pork, vegetable and turkey soup, and farm fresh eggs.  

When we got back to our apartment, I asked Christian if he was happy to be home.  He replied, "Yes, because I am close to Meme and Papa."  We are all thankful for such a fun weekend in New Hampshire.  We missed Daddy {lots} but a weekend full of snow and family helped.

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