November 6th, 2013
Yet another fun filled day! We were all very excited to meet friends Elijah, Lyla, and Linsay at the train station this morning.
Eating a donut and waiting for our friends at North Station.
Linsay and I have known each other, forever. We went to school together from K-12. We were always friends, but became inseparable from 8th grade on. We were together more than apart and everyone got us confused. Having the same names spelled differently didn't help matters. It's been fun seeing Linsay and her {growing} family when we would visit NH, but it's been years since we've spent a whole day together. Strolling through Boston with her brought back fond memories of school class trips into the city. The only difference, now, we are strolling through the city with double bobs and four kids.
We enjoyed a beautiful morning playing in the Boston Gardens. The kids especially enjoyed the 'make way for ducklings' statues.
Can you tell he loves his baseball hat?
Christian with buddy, Elijah
Lindalee was very interested in baby Lyla
I especially love this picture of Christian watching the geese
Boys will be boys...
It would have been fun to enjoy a nice lunch in the city. But, the thought of eating at a small restaurant with two giant strollers and four kids under four didn't sound like the best idea. We ventured back to our apartment for some lunch and naps {wishful thinking}.
Lindalee and Elijah holding hands while Christian leads the way
Lyla taking a nap on the couch. Note the crayons placed by her. One of the kids put them there in case she felt like coloring. Very thoughtful.
The Kaplan family is blessed with two great sleepers {no fair!}. Christian doesn't really nap anymore, but I try for "rest time". I put him in my room while Lindalee and Elijah went into the kid's room. Lindalee has been doing great sleeping in the same room as Christian, so I figured we could give it a shot. Long story short. No one {except Lyla} napped at our apartment. We went into the kid's room and found that Elijah was passing books to Lindalee in her crib. She's a big reader, so she was in heaven {Elijah knows how to charm the ladies}. We then let Christian out of my room and moved Elijah in. I went to check on him and found him sitting in my bed holding a black sharpie {not sure where it came from and thankfully the cap was still on}. Lindalee still wasn't asleep so we decided to call it a wash and head out. Minutes into our walk to the park, Elijah passed out in the stroller. My kids? Nope.
Going in for kiss. Everyone loves baby Lyla, but Christian makes it clear he would like a baby brother.
Lookout Boston! Attack of the double bobs!
Christian and Lindalee played at the park while Elijah napped. They had fun but really wanted to wake him up so that he could join. Once he woke from his slumber, we headed to the Museum of Science.
Christian enjoying an "experiment" simulating the capillaries in leaves. Lindalee enjoyed parts of it as well. I'm obsessed with this place. It does a good job of relieving some of the mommy guilt I have built up from not sending Christian to preschool.
We all walked back to the North Station and said farewell to our visitors. I was happy that we could all share such a beautiful and very fun day together. We look forward to many more adventures with the Kaplan crew!
On the walk home, Christian begged, "Can we please ride home through the sewers?". The kids are big fans of the T; it's where the TMNT's live! I couldn't say no, I was tired and really didn't feel like walking over the bridge back to our building. It was rush hour, but we did it, double stroller and all.
Thankful for a day filled with fun and friends. Also, pretty thankful for bedtime.
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