Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fun with friends: New England Aquarium

November 5th, 2013

We had a fun filled morning at the New England Aquarium with friends, Declan and Camille.  We spent some time with them in New Hampshire this summer and we all enjoyed their company.  It was exciting to meet up with them here, we are looking forward to many more play-dates with them!

Lindalee was overwhelmed with excitement when we first arrived.  Fish, everywhere!?  She loved it!

The kids really enjoyed the more interactive areas in the aquarium.   They especially enjoyed the New England Tidepool exhibit where there were starfish and snails for them to play with.  They had the opportunity to touch sharks and stingrays in another exhibit, both of the kids got a little intimidated when the animals actually came close enough.

Surprisingly, I was able to get a couple shot of these three cute kiddos.

"Oh my gosh, look at the diver!"  The sea creatures were cool, but the diver was definitely Christian's favorite.

Doesn't get much cuter!

We walked home for lunch and rests.  On the lovely walk, I actually had to take my vest off.  It's beginning to get pretty cold here, but when the sunshine hits, it feels so nice.

A couple more pictures from the day..

 Lindalee's best friend, Zoe.  We believe that Lindalee gets her desire to take Zoe on walks from her Grandma Inge, but, Lindalee takes it to the next level.  She is obsessed.  I think Zoe appreciates having an advocate in the household, she'll tolerate the eye pokes for now.

We ended the day with a bit of chaos.  What's new?  Both kids are so out of whack from the time change, poor things. Chris was working late.  The kids were either crying or screaming from 4:00 pm on.  I was playing with Lindalee when I heard a weird noise.  I looked over at Christian who had Zoe's citronella bark collar {apartment living} and was "barking" into it.  He proceeded to get sprayed in the mouth a number of times.  Before I could get to him to rinse out his mouth, he took a big gulp of milk. What the heck!?  Only Christian.  To be on the safe side, I called poison control and had a nice little conversation with them.  He is fine.  After the ordeal he said, "Hey mom, Zoe's bark collar works!".  Thanks Christian.

Thankful for a fun day with fish, friends, and peace of mind from poison control!

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