Sunday, May 11, 2014

A day in the city

May 2nd, 2014

We have been enjoying our time in the "country" but really missing all the fun things we used to do in the city.  The children and I decided it was time for a day trip to Boston.  They were completely in charge of our plans for the day.  They did a good job of wearing their Mommy out!

Our first stop was the Aquarium where Christian HAD to touch the stingrays and sharks.  He was upset that it was more crowded than we were used to.

Next stop, lunch with Daddy!!  Christian and Lindalee were so excited to see him, they pretended to eat him.  They also were anxious to explore his new building.

We enjoyed a delicious and crazy lunch with Daddy.

Next stop was the Museum of Science.  We stayed for a very, very long time.  Selfishly, I tried to get Christian and Lindalee to move on so we could do some other things, but they refused.  I couldn't say no.  Since it was "nap time" we were one of the only ones in the Discovery Center.  The children were interacting so much with the staff, it was a very educational afternoon.  I think they crammed a couple months of curriculum into 4 hours.

Lindalee counted over and over as she put the disks onto the different rods.  This girl has her numbers down!

Christian wrote a "secret message" in the laboratory.

Lindalee and mommy worked together to make a secret message.  She was very content sitting at the laboratory painting.

Christian partook in a research study on the generosity of children.  It was incredibly interesting to watch.

Next stop, the North Point Park.  We HAD to go.  It is Christian's "most favorite place in Boston".  It was a beautiful day to play there.  

Christian said, "I'm just going to lay down in the grass and relax a little".

This picture was taken 3-5 minutes after Lindalee put her tooth through her bottom lip.  Her body loses control when she misses her nap and she does dangerous things.  Thankfully, the bleeding stopped quickly and she's the toughest person I know.  She shook it off before I could say, " lollipop".

Christian and Lindalee frolicking in the sunshine.  It felt so good!

After lots of playtime at the park, we headed back to Daddy's office to pick him up.  Both Christian and Lindalee were a tired mess by the time we got there.  We all powered through a quick dinner before we headed north {with Daddy!} for the weekend.  It was a great day.

Thankful for a FULL day of fun in my favorite city with my favorite people!

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