Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Easter Prep

April 19th, 2014

I love Easter.  Just as much as Easter day itself, I love all the activities and traditions that come before the holiday.  Especially now that I have two little ones, it's all the more reason to make this time extra special.   To start, the children need an Easter outfit.  We enjoyed a morning with Meme, searching for the perfect one.

Lindalee refused to get her picture taken, this was the best I could do.

Christian winking at me, feeling studly in his new outfit.

Sticking with tradition, we headed to the mall to get our pictures taken with the Easter bunny.  

We stopped at Great Nana's to show off our new attire.

The picture says it all.  Christian thought the Easter bunny was great.  He talked his ear off before Lindalee was thrown onto his lap.  Lindalee didn't find the whole experience very enjoyable.  She screamed bloody murder on the bunny's lap and then continued to cry for the next 15 minutes.  I didn't expect such a long recovery period.

Lindalee, still crying.

Still crying.

Lindalee was still crying.

On Saturday we headed to Dover for the Lundborn's annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Lindalee getting some help from "Aunt Joan, Meme's sister".

My sweet little Easter treat.

Christian's loot.

"Little Inge" caught sneaking chocolate treats.

Thankful for this special time of year and the unforgettable memories that come with it.

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