Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Birth Control

May 12th, 2014

Once again, my baby fever is beginning to get out of control.  Whenever this happens, I am struck by a cruel, but necessary, reality check {lucky for Chris}.  Lindalee decided not to sleep, at all, from 12:30-4:15ish last night.  She cried and cried if she was in her crib, then played and giggled if she was in bed with me.  "Moe-Moe a good girl" she would say.  She is a good girl, a sweetheart, and so stinking cute.  Lucky for her, I couldn't be angry.  BUT, she won't be getting another brother or sister anytime soon.  It's easy to forget how rough it is being up with a baby all night.  Lindalee is almost two, Christian, a big four, and they both still have me up all night from time to time.  The idea of a newborn on top of that makes me panic.  I read an article talking about why babies cry at night.  One theory is that it's to ward off a sibling {so that they don't have to compete for resources}.  Lindalee loves babies, but I think she loves attention from mommy even more.

I was able to get my act together and head down to the lake for a morning play date.  Again, it was another amazing day.  Christian and Lindalee had a great time.  The only sign of a sleepless night was from the bags under my eyes.  Lindalee seemed entirely unphased.

Christian and Lindalee sporting their new sun-suits.  

My little surfer dude out for a morning paddle.  Yes, the water is still FREEZING.

Christian spent a lot of time out on the rocks.

After rest time, we ventured down to the lake again.  Christian couldn't get enough of the rocks.

I hope this sweet, little girl lets her mommy get some sleep tonight.

As much as I complain, in a way, I am thankful for these sleepless nights with my little loves.  Some of the cuddles and conversations that take place are worth every second of exhaustion the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Sleepless nights are definitely some good birth control! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures!
