Friday, May 9, 2014

Hanging out in the woods {of NH}

April 29th, 2014

It seems like everyone has been asking me, "How is it going living in NH... with your parents?" {With a worried tone in their voice}.  I do appreciate the concern, but besides the fact that Chris isn't around every night {and most of our stuff is packed up in boxes}, it's great.  I have so much help and the children are having a blast {again, they do really miss their Daddy}.  

We haven't had time {yet} to get bored out here in the sticks.  The weather hasn't been the nicest, but that doesn't stop Christian and Lindalee {or Meme}!  Lindalee loves running around outside, hanging out in her "house" {a little cottage Meme and Papa have for her}, and chasing bubbles.  Like her mother, she is a bit of a fair weather player.  When it's cold, she comes inside with mommy while Meme and Christian stay outside for hours.  Christian happily digging for worms and other critters while Meme works on her gardens.  He's also been mastering baseball.  I know I'm biased, but he's really good!  Any good pitch that comes his way, he hits.  You can only imagine how proud that makes his Daddy.  

"Germs, germs, go away!"  Lindalee enjoying some yogurt and green juice in attempts to stay clear of the nasty bug that is going around.

Christian loves green juice mustaches.

Does it get any cuter?

Christian teaching Lindalee the rules of baseball. 

Now that Christian is four, he is such a big helper!  He even helps Lindalee get dressed and undressed to go outside.  Believe it or not, he's helping her, not killing her, in this picture. 

Thankful for this time in transition.  It may not be ideal, but we are making the best of it, and lots of memories while we are at it!

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