Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Children's Museum and other fun

May 8th, 2014

Another gorgous day!  In my personal opinion, this is the perfect weather- cool air and warm sun.  I hope it keeps coming our way.  When Christian and Lindalee got up, they were anxious to go outside and let the baby chicks out.  I turned my back for a minute and this is what I found:

Farmer Christian!

We ventured into "the city" of Dover to run some errands and play.  What would usually be a quick trip in and out of Target took a lot longer than planned.  Lindalee found a cart and had lots of shopping to do.  By the time we got to checkout, she had accumulated quite a bit.

Next stop was the Children's Museum where we met up with some friends.  I can't believe I have never been before.  It was a great place for the children to explore.  We all had a blast!

Christian racing lego cars

Christian LOVED the submarine simulator.  He probably could have spent the entire day in it.  Lindalee was "scared" and wouldn't go inside.

My sweet girl!

Lindalee enjoyed the musical wall.

And some drumming.

After the museum we enjoyed a lunch out, and then some grocery shopping.  The boys took over the store.  It was completely hilarious.  I probably should have kept Christian more in control, but it was too entertaining to stop.  It was a shopping trip I won't forget anytime soon.

We spent the rest of the afternoon "relaxing" outside.  Christian hung out with his chicken friends and talked about how he wanted more animals on his farm.  Next he wants a goat.  Lordy.

Christian and Henry the hen.

Lindalee does everything big brother does!

These are the type of days that give me serious baby fever.  These kiddos are way too much fun!

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