May 24th, 2014
Happy Saturday! It's been a week since we have moved and we are slowly, but surely, getting more settled. I have decided that I am not going to be too concerned with unpacking and organizing until the winter. {BE FORWARNED if you visit}. The weather is incredible right now and I want to enjoy every second outside with my two little monsters {see below}.
Good morning, Lindalee! She took it upon herself to start the morning off as a monster.
My little monster drinking all our milk!
Next, she transformed into princess spiderman.
Slinging mommy with her web.
We are working on converting the storage area under the stairs into a play area with all of the kids books and toys. They love it and I love having their things out of sight. I was going upstairs and I heard, "Hiyah! Hiyah!" I peeked in and saw Lindalee playing with one of her princess figurines and Christian's "bad guy" toy. She was having the princess beat up the bad guy. Oh, the life of a little girl with a big brother. Too cute!
We spent the majority of the day outside cleaning up our yard. It's a beautiful yard, but it's been neglected for a number of years. Thankfully, both Chris and I enjoy working in the yard and both of the kiddos love being outside. They spent the morning running around chasing and tormenting our chickens. It was adorable to watch. Sorry chicks!
Christian is quite the chicken catcher. I think he might just have his mom beat.
Both Christian and Lindalee enjoying lunch at the "big kid" table. An awesome hand-me-down from big cousins, Riley and Lucy!
Daddy and his mean chainsaw chopping up a tree in our backyard. Stud.
Christian had some snacks and watched Daddy cut up the tree. He periodically gave Chris a "thumbs up".
Lindalee was excited to "help" with the clean up. Cutest little helper I've ever seen!
Thankful for being able to enjoy a gorgeous day at our new home!
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